Puzzle 9: Beginner Packing 3

By | March 13, 2012



Do the best you can with Blue and Red.

The .blksgf with the problem is here (link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/27727822/Puzzles/09BeginnerPacking3/BeginnerPacking3-problem.blksgf)

The .blksgf with the solution is here (link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/27727822/Puzzles/09BeginnerPacking3/BeginnerPacking3-solution.blksgf)

4 thoughts on “Puzzle 9: Beginner Packing 3

  1. Markus

    I would suggest to provide the score of the solution immediately with the puzzle. Then you know when you solved the puzzle without having to wait for the solution.

    1. infamouswhiteknight Post author

      Good idea, I will start doing this for future puzzles.

    2. Toby

      I disagree.

      It can be part of the puzzle to figure out what IS the best result.

      And someone might, on rare occasions, top your solution,
      so posting such a clue might be misleading
      and discourage someone from “giving it more tries”.
      I believe this has in fact occurred on Puzzle #8.

  2. Toby

    I see that Eric has settled on a good compromise:
    include the hint, but hide it from immediate view.


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